
Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Thoughts

I had deep thoughts yesterday night and I realized a shocking truth that everything was made from nothing and I asked myself these questions:

• Where do trees come from? The seeds.  Where do the seed come from?  The tree.  I guess by now it has become a circle.  So how did the circle of life start?  From nothing?
• Where do textiles come from? Cotton.  Where does cotton come from?  Cotton seeds.  Where did the seed come from?  Cotton plant.   Where did the plant come from?  Cotton seed.  Another cycle of life?  From nothing?
• How did I come to be?   From my parents.  How did my parents come to be?  From their parents?  Generations of parents given births to male and female parents.  So how did the first man come to be?  Some school of thoughts evolutionist states that the first man came from Apes (what a pity).  Then how did Apes come to be?  Some school of thought said life originated from some cosmic forces.  Other said we just appeared!

Take a look at binary coding 0 and 1, its nothing (0) to something (1) like a switch.  Take a look at decimal, it is nothing to 1 counting up to 9, then nothing adding to 1 making 10 counting up to 19;  then 2 adding to nothing making 20 counting up to 29 on and on till infinity.  For the spiritual mind, a great power must have made everything already!  Christians believe that in the beginning the earth was chaotic and total darkness covered the face of the deep.  Then came the Holy spirit, the creative power of God moving over the waters (the deep), and God said let there be light and light appeared. Genesis 1:1-3.  Also several religions corroborated this fact that an invincible Force had created all that there is!

Life has blessed man with a rare ability to bring to creation life.  Inventions from inception have been the building block that has piloted humanity to where it is today.  Most inventions were just products of imaginations hitherto without substance, transformed through hard work to a tangible reality we see today.

Dr. Annasaheb Shinde made up some thought provoking quotes which I will love to share with you, that:
Opportunities are like sunrise,
If you wait too long, you miss them.

Trust yourself.
You know more than you think you do.

Accept the challenges,
So that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot,
But make it hot by striking.

Do more than average
Is what keeps the average down.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply.
Willing is not enough, we must do.

Success is the good fortune that comes from
Aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.

Again Densel Washington said something striking and I quote:

True desire in the heart for any good is God proof
to you set before hand to indicate that its yours already.

All this tells us that life has furnished all that mankind will ever need for existence. Then why are some societies better than others?  The answer is a productive and responsive conscious application of IDEAS, and ideas will never come until we sit down and think! We must productively think to lunch ourselves into the new phase of life we desire.  It is a personal responsibility; everything has been made but not everybody can access the wealth that exist beyond the physical reach of humanity possible only through day to day  learning and conscious efforts can a ready mind connect to what had seemed impossible manifesting it into wealth that is tangible.

Gold would have never existed if man had not tapped into it, same for diamond, pearls and other precious gift of nature.  More of life is yet to be discovered if only you and I can look beyond our preconceived ideas of impossibility to seek the possible.

You can have that good thing you want to have!

You can be what you want to be!

Trust me.  Its possible… Just make efforts with a clean heart and you will surely have your desires.